This year, Ego Mechanix made a huge decision: to say good-bye to Rusk and say hello to AlfaParf Milano. We had been working with AlfaParf hair coloring products and have been achieving amazing results. The reds were vibrant, the beige and gold colors were rich and the blondes were clear and shiny. The over-all philosophy of AlfaParf is about the hair condition. The way it feels and looks is of the utmost importance, and that aligns itself well with the Ego Mechanix standard. An obvious path was emerging because of it. The more we learned about it, the more we loved. Another great bonus was the great education made available to us. One person in particular is a wonderful person named Artemis. You can’t help but to fall in love with her. From head to toe she screams COOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL….lol Her classes were amazing and captivating and always had us looking forward to the next class with her. So to Artemis, Christa, and Cindy…thanks for the awesome classes!!
Some ask why we said good-bye to Rusk. Simply put- we wanted change. We are very careful to thoroughly research the product line before we decide to carry for retail. Phyto is an amazing organic based products that again fit in with our approach to hair and beauty. Not to say that the Rusk product line didn’t. Let’s face it, Rusk has been a major part of my hairdressing career. It taught me everything I know about haircutting and innovative haircolor techniques. I learned to confidently teach a haircut in front of a huge audience. Most importantly, they taught me to really think outside the box. Many of the basic principals we adhere to at Ego are based on everything I learned while working as a Rusk educator. So then why the good-bye? Well one thing we always preach is that change is good. Embrace change. It keeps things alive and fresh. Keeps us on our toes. I wanted something new that would pull me out of my comfort zone; something that would challenge me to think of new textures for hair, a new finish for hair- a different feeling. Hair color, scissors, styling aides, blow dryers and brushes are all mere paintbrushes we use to create art on a canvas called hair. Sometimes we need to step out of the box and try something new. Good always comes of it. Even in failure there is a lot to gain and learn from. Failure, after all, is just genius laying low until it has it’s turn.
Anyone reading this who really knows me or has sat in my chair over the last 21 years will know how big a step this is for me. All I can say is that it was a hard decision to make, but it is one I stand by and feel good about. From the responses we’ve received so far, our clients are feeling it too!!
So come along on a new journey. Let’s change it up a little and live a lot!!